Weary, T. E., T. Pappas, P. Tusiime, S. Tuhaise, E. Otali, M. Emery Thompson, E. Ross, J. E. Gern and T. L. Goldberg (2024). Common cold viruses circulating in children threaten wild chimpanzees through asymptomatic adult carriers. Scientific Reports 14:10431. [PDF]
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Tayebwa, D. S., D. Hyeroba, C. D. Dunn, E. Dunay, J. C. Richard, S. Biryomumaisho, J. O. Acai and T. L. Goldberg (2024). Viruses of free-roaming and hunting dogs in Uganda show elevated prevalence, richness and abundance across a gradient of contact with wildlife. Journal of General Virology 105: 002011. [PDF]
Weary, T. E., K. P. M. Mehta and T. L. Goldberg (2024). Novel Gammapapillomavirus type in the nasal cavity of a wild red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles). Access Microbiology 6(8). [PDF]
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Adhikari, B. N., Paskey, A. C., Frey, K. G., Bennett, A. J., Long, K. A., Kuhn, J. H., Hamilton, T., Glang, L., Cer, R. Z., Goldberg, T. L., and Bishop-Lilly, K. A. (2024). Virome profiling of fig wasps (Ceratosolen spp.) reveals virus diversity spanning four realms. Virology 5:109992. [PDF]
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Gogarten, J.F., Jahan, M., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Chapman, C.A., Goldberg, T.L., Leendertz, F.H., and Rothman, J.M. (2022). The cost of living in larger primate groups includes higher fly densities. EcoHealth 19:290-298. [PDF]
Negrey, J.D., Mitani, J.C., Wrangham, R.W., Otali, E., Reddy, R.B., Pappas, T.E., Grindle, K.A., Gern, J.E., Machanda, Z.P., Muller, M.N., Langergraber, K.E., Emery Thompson, M., and Goldberg, T.L. (2022), Viruses associated with ill health in wild chimpanzees. Am J Primatol e23358. [PDF]
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Reese, A.T., Phillips, S.R., Owens, L.A., Venable, E.M., Langergraber, K.E., Machanda, Z.P., Mitani, J.C., Muller, M.N., Watts, D.P., Wrangham, R.W., Goldberg, T.L., Emery Thompson, M., and Carmody, R.N. (2021). Age patterning in wild chimpanzee gut microbiota diversity reveals differences from humans in early life. Curr Biol 31:613-620 e3. [PDF]
Glasser, D.B., Goldberg, T.L., Guma, N., Balyesiima, G., Agaba, H., Gessa, S.J., and Rothman, J.M. (2021). Opportunities for respiratory disease transmission from people to chimpanzees at an East African tourism site. Am J Primatol 83:e23228. [PDF]
Bennett, A. J., Paskey, A. C., Ebinger, A., Pfaff, F., Priemer, G., Hoper, D., Breithaupt, A., Heuser, E., Ulrich, R. G., Kuhn, J. H., Bishop-Lilly, K. A., Beer, M. and Goldberg, T. L. (2020). Relatives of rubella virus in diverse mammals. Nature 586 (7829): 424-428. [PDF]
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Phillips, S. R., Goldberg, T. L., Muller, M. N., Machanda, Z. P., Otali, E., Friant, S., Carag, J., Langergraber, K. E., Mitani, J. C., Wroblewski, E. E., Wrangham, R. W. and Emery Thompson, M. (2020). Fecal parasites increase with age but not reproductive effort in wild female chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 8 (375): 20190614. [PDF]
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Weiss, D., R. M. Wallace, I. B. Rwego, T. R. Gillespie, C. A. Chapman, R. S. Singer and T. L. Goldberg (2018). Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and class 1 integrons in humans, domestic animals, and wild primates in rural Uganda. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84: e01632-01618. [PDF]
Scully, E. J., S. Basnet, R. W. Wrangham, M. N. Muller, E. Otali, D. Hyeroba, K. A. Grindle, T. E. Pappas, M. E. Thompson, Z. Machanda, K. E. Watters, A. C. Palmenberg, J. E. Gern and T. L. Goldberg (2018). Lethal respiratory disease associated with human rhinovirus C in wild chimpanzees, Uganda, 2013. Emerging Infectious Diseases 24: 267-274. [PDF]
Goldberg, T. L., A. J. Bennett, R. Kityo, J. H. Kuhn and C. A. Chapman (2017). Kanyawara virus: a novel Rhabdovirus infecting newly discovered nycteribiid bat flies infesting previously unknown pteropodid bats in Uganda. Nature, Scientific Reports 7:5287. [PDF]
Hyeroba, D., S. Friant, J. Acon, J. Okwee-Acai and T. L. Goldberg (2017). Demography and health of "village dogs" in rural Western Uganda. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 137:24-27. [PDF]
Paige, S. B., S. Friant, L. Clech, C. Malavé, K. Kemigabo, R. Obeti and T. L. Goldberg (2017). Combining footwear with public health iconography to prevent soil-transmitted helminth infections. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine 96:205–213. [PDF]
Weny, G., J. Okwee-Acai, S. G. Okech, G. Tumwine, S. Ndyanabu, S. Abigaba and T. L. Goldberg (2017). Prevalence and risk factors associated with hemoparasites in cattle and goats at the edge of Kibale National Park, western Uganda. Journal of Parasitology 103:69–74. [PDF]
Valenta, K., D. Twinomugisha, K. Godfrey, C. Liu, V. A. M. Schoof, T. L. Goldberg and C. A. Chapman (2017). Comparison of gastrointestinal parasite communities in vervet monkeys. Integrative Zoology 12:512-520. [PDF]
Ladner, J. T., M. R. Wiley, B. Beitzel, A. J. Auguste, A. P. Dupuis, 2nd, M. E. Lindquist, S. D. Sibley, K. P. Kota, D. Fetterer, G. Eastwood, D. Kimmel, K. Prieto, H. Guzman, M. T. Aliota, D. Reyes, E. E. Brueggemann, L. St John, D. Hyeroba, M. Lauck, T. C. Friedrich, D. H. O'Connor, M. C. Gestole, L. H. Cazares, V. L. Popov, F. Castro-Llanos, T. J. Kochel, T. Kenny, B. White, M. D. Ward, J. R. Loaiza, T. L. Goldberg, S. C. Weaver, L. D. Kramer, R. B. Tesh and G. Palacios (2016). A multicomponent animal virus isolated from mosquitoes. Cell Host Microbe 20:357–367. [PDF]
Ghai, R., M. I. Thurber, A. E. Bakry, C. A. Chapman and T. L. Goldberg (2016). Multi-method assessment of patients with febrile illness reveals over-diagnosis of malaria in rural Uganda. Malaria Journal 15:460. [PDF]
Bennett, A. J., S. D. Sibley, M. Lauck, G. Weny, D. Hyeroba, A. Tumukunde, T. C. Friedrich, D. H. O'Connor, C. A. Johnson, J. M. Rothman and T. L. Goldberg (2016). Naturally circulating hepatitis A virus in olive baboons, Uganda. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22: 1308-1310. [PDF]
Bonnell, T. R., R. R. Ghai, T. L. Goldberg, R. Sengupta and C. A. Chapman (2016). Spatial patterns of persistence for environmentally transmitted parasites: effects of regional climate and local landscape. Ecological Modelling 338: 78-89. [PDF]
Lester, J., S. Paige, C. A. Chapman, M. Gibson, J. Holland Jones, W. M. Switzer, N. Ting, T. L. Goldberg and S. D. Frost (2016). Assessing commitment and reporting fidelity to a text message-based participatory surveillance in rural Western Uganda. PLoS One 11: e0155971. [PDF]
Bailey, A. L., M. Lauck, R. R. Ghai, C. W. Nelson, K. Heimbruch, A. L. Hughes, T. L. Goldberg, J. H. Kuhn, A. J. Jasinska, N. B. Freimer, C. Apetrei and D. H. O'Connor (2016). Arteriviruses, pegiviruses, and lentiviruses are common among wild African monkeys. Journal of Virology 90: 6724-6737. [PDF]
Bailey, A. L., M. Lauck, S. D. Sibley, T. C. Friedrich, J. H. Kuhn, N. B. Freimer, A. J. Jasinska, J. E. Phillips-Conroy, C. J. Jolly, P. A. Marx, C. Apetrei, J. Rogers, T. L. Goldberg and D. H. O'Connor (2015). Zoonotic potential of simian arteriviruses. Journal of Virology 90: 630-635. [PDF]
Paige, S. B., C. Malavé, E. Mbabazi, J. Mayer and T. L. Goldberg (2015). Uncovering zoonoses awareness in an emerging disease "hotspot." Social Science and Medicine 129: 78-86. [PDF]
Ghai, R. R., V. Fugere, C. A. Chapman, T. L. Goldberg and T. J. Davies (2015). Sickness behaviour associated with non-lethal infections in wild primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 282: 20151436. [PDF]
Chapman, C. A., B. van Bavel, C. Boodman, R. R. Ghai, J. F. Gogarten, J. Hartter, L. E. Mechak, P. A. Omeja, S. Poonawala, D. Tuli and T. L. Goldberg. (2015). Providing health care to improve community perceptions of protected areas. Oryx 49: 636-642. [PDF]
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Ghai, R. R., N. D. Simons, C. A. Chapman, P. A. Omeja, T. J. Davies, N. Ting and T. L. Goldberg (2014). Hidden population structure and cross-species transmission of whipworms (Trichuris sp.) in humans and non-human primates in Uganda. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8: e3256. [PDF]
Paige, S. B., S. D. Frost, M. A. Gibson, J. H. Jones, A. Shankar, W. M. Switzer, N. Ting and T. L. Goldberg (2014). Beyond bushmeat: animal contact, injury, and zoonotic disease risk in western Uganda. Ecohealth 11: 534-543. [PDF]
Bailey, A., M. Lauck, S. Sibley, J. Pecotte, K. Rice, G. Weny, A. Tumukunde, D. Hyeroba, J. Greene, M. Correll, M. Gleicher, T. Friedrich, P. Jahrling, J. Kuhn, T. Goldberg, J. Rogers and D. O'Connor (2014). Two novel simian arteriviruses in captive and wild baboons (Papio spp.). Journal of Virology 22: 13231-13239. [PDF]
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Sibley, S. D., M. Lauck, A. L. Bailey, D. Hyeroba, A. Tumukunde, G. Weny, C. A. Chapman, D. H. O'Connor, T. L. Goldberg and T. C. Friedrich (2014). Discovery and characterization of distinct simian pegiviruses in three wild African old world monkey species. PLoS One 9: e98569. [PDF]
McCord, A. I., C. A. Chapman, G. Weny, A. Tumukunde, D. Hyeroba, K. Klotz, A. S. Koblings, D. N. Mbora, M. Cregger, B. A. White, S. R. Leigh and T. L. Goldberg (2014). Fecal microbiomes of non-human primates in Western Uganda reveal species-specific communities largely resistant to habitat perturbation. American Journal of Primatology 76: 347-354. [PDF]
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Chapman, C. A., A. DeLuycker, R. A. Reyna-Hurtado, J. C. Serio-Silva, T. B. Smith, K. B. Strier and T. L. Goldberg (2014). Safeguarding biodiversity: what is perceived as working, according to the conservation community? Oryx, doi:10.1017/S0030605314000738. [PDF]
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Chapman, C. A., T. R. Bonnell, R. Sengupta, T. L. Goldberg and J. M. Rothman (2013). Is Markhamia lutea's abundance determined by animal foraging? Forest Ecology and Management 308: 62–66. [PDF]
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Goldberg, T. L., Sintasath, D. M., Chapman, C. A., Cameron, K. M., Karesh, W. B., Tang, S., Wolfe, N. D., Rwego, I. B., Ting, N. and Switzer, W. M. (2009). Coinfection of Ugandan red colobus (Procolobus [Piliocolobus] rufomitratus tephrosceles) with novel, divergent delta-, lenti-, and spumaretroviruses. Journal of Virology 83: 11318-11329. [PDF]
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